18. Built-in Objects of JavaScript/ECMAScript -Part IV

In the previous post we have explored the very significant built-in String object. Now we shall see few more built-in objects.

Boolean Objects

Boolean Constructor called as a Function

When it is called as a function then it performs a type conversion on the value provided and return a Boolean value and not a Boolean Object.

var b = new Boolean("somethign");
    __proto__: Boolean
    [[PrimitiveValue]]: true

The Boolean Constructor

When it is invoked with the new expression it is a constructor call and it initializes the newly created object.
The newly created Boolean object has the following properties:

  • [[Prototype]] - It is set to Boolean.prototype by default.
  • [[Class]] - It is set to Boolean by default.
  • [[PrimitiveValue]] - This is the value that is obtained by calling the Boolean Constructor as a Function over the value supplied, which does a type conversion to a Boolean literal.
  • [[Extensible]] - This is set to true by default.

Properties of the Boolean Constructor


The initial value of this property is the Boolean prototype object. The attributes of Boolean.Prototype are { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }.

Properties of the Boolean Prototype Object

This is a Boolean object whose value is false and its built-in [[Prototype]] property is the built-in Object prototype object.

  • Boolean.prototype.constructor: Its value is the built-in Boolean constructor.
  • Boolean.prototype.toString(): This return either "true" or "false" if the object is of type Boolean else throws a TypeError exception.
  • Boolean.prototype.valueOf(): Return the value of the object if its of type Boolean else throws a TypeError exception.
    var b = new Boolean("somethign");
    console.log(b);//[Boolean: true]

Properties of Boolean Instances

They have 2 properties: [[Class]] internal object which is of value Boolean and [[PrimitiveValue]] which is the Boolean value represented by the object.

Number Objects

The Number constructor called as function

When the number constructor is called as a function, it does a type conversion of the value passed to it to a number. If a value was supplied it return the converted value else returns +0.


Number Constructor

It initializes the number object.

var a = new Number(9);
    __proto__: Number
    [[PrimitiveValue]]: 9


The constructor does type conversion if non-numeric values are provided. If its a string that contains non-numeric characters the value set to the object is NaN, if its Boolean then the value is 1 for true and 0 for false. If the a string is provided containing on numeric characters(both positive and negative) then its converted to its corresponding value.

  • [[Prototype]] - It is set to Number.prototype by default.
  • [[Class]] - It is set to Number by default.
  • [[PrimitiveValue]] - This is the value that is obtained by calling the Number Constructor as a Function over the value supplied, which does a type conversion to a Number literal. If nothing is supplied it set +0.
  • [[Extensible]] - This is set to true by default.

Properties of Number Constructor


its value is the number prototype object. Its attributes are { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }. It has the following properties which are like constant values.

  • Number.MAX_VALUE: This is the largest positive finite value of Number type. It is approximately 1.7976931348623157 × 10308.
  • Number.MIN_VALUE: This is the smallest positive value of the Number type. Its value is 5 × 10^‑324.
  • Number.NaN: This is the system defined value of NaN and is not mutable.
  • Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY: Its value is −∞ and it is not mutable.
  • Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY: It value is ∞ and it is not mutable.

Properties of Number prototype Object

It is a Number object whose value is +0. It s[[Class]] is "Number" and [[Prototype]] points to built in Object prototype object.

  • Number.prototype.constructor: This is the built-in number constructor.
  • Number.prototype.toString([radix]): This is not a generic method unlike other implementations of toString() because this method comes with a parameter which is the radix value. If this implementation is not invoked on a Number value a TypeError exception is thrown.
    Radix is an integer optional parameter which ranges from 2 to 36. If radix is not present or is undefined then the default value of 10 is assigned to it. If the radix does not evaluate to a number between 2 and 36(including) then a RangeError exception is thrown. With the given radix it converts the number value to string and returns it.
  • Number.prototype.toLocalString(): This also returns a string but as per the host environment's current locale.
  • Number.prototype.valueOf(): This will return the number value. This is specific to Number and throws a TypeError exception if used on any other kind of object.
  • Number.prototype.toFixed(fractionDigits): This returns a string value containing the number is decimal format with fractionDigits digits after the decimal point. Default value of fractionDigits is 0.
  • Number.prototype.toExponential(fractionDigits): Returns a string with number value converted to decimal exponential notation with 1 digit before the decimal and fractionDigits digits after the decimal point. If fractionDigits is undefined then the significand value is increased to represent the number as uniquely as possible.
  • Number.prototype.toPrecision(precision): This is same as above except that after the decimal point here will be precision-1 digits. If precision is undefined then the `toString()* method is applied.

Properties of Number instances

They have 2 internal properties: [[Class]] whose value is Number and [[PrimitiveValue]] which is the value represented by the number object.

Math Object

The math object is an helper object functionality in JavaScript which is used for different computations. Its [[Prototype]] points to the Object prototype object and [[Class]] has an internal property of Math.
It does not have a [[Construct]] internal property, i.e. it lacks a construct and the new keyword cannot be used on it. It does not have a [[Call]] property either and hence cannot be invoked as a function. It however has some Value properties and some Function properties defined on it, similar to methods of Static classes.

Value properties of the Math object

  • E: This is a number value for e which is the base of natural logarithms. Its value is approximately equal to 2.7182818284590452354.
  • LN10: This is the number value for the natural logarithm of 10 which is approximately equal to 2.302585092994046.
  • LN2: This is the number value for natural logarithm of 2 which is approximately equal to 0.6931471805599453.
  • LOG2E: This is the number value of base-2 logarithm of e and its approximate value is 0.4342944819032518.
  • PI: This is the number value representing π whose approximate value is 3.1415926535897932.
  • SQRT1_2: This is the number value for square root of ½ whose approximate value is 0.7071067811865476.
  • SQRT2: This is the number value for square root of 2 and its approximate value is 1.4142135623730951.
    All of these above values are immutable: { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }

Function Properties of Math Object

All arguments of these functions are implicitly converted to numbers.

  • abs(x): returns the absolute value of x. Return values for special cases like NaN, -0 and -∞ are NaN, +0 and +∞ respectively.
  • acos(x): returns the arc cosine of x. Result is in radians and range is +0 to +π for all 0<= x < 1. If x=1, result is +0, and for all other cases it is NaN.
  • asin(x): returns the arc sine of x. Result is in radians and ranges from −π/2 to +π/2 for all 0 < x < 1. If x=+0 result is +0, if x=-0 result is -0. For all other values result is NaN.
  • atan(x): returns the arc tangent of x. Result is in radians** and ranges from −π/2 to +π/2. For NaN, +0 and -0 the results are NaN, +0 and -0 respectively. For +∞ and -∞ the values are approximation of +π/2 and -π/2 respectively.
  • atan2(y,x): It returns the arc tangent of the quotient y/x where the signs of arguments are used to determine the quadrant of result. The result is expressed in radians from −π to +π.
  • ceil(x): Returns the next possible integer value of x. The value of Math.ceil(x) is the same as the value of -Math.floor(-x).
  • cos(x): Returns the cosine of x in radians. The argument is expressed in radians
  • exp(x): returns e raised to the power of x.
  • floor(x): If x is not an integer value return the immediately less than x.
  • log(x): returns the natural logarithm of x.
  • max ( [ value1 [ , value2 [ , … ] ] ] ): returns the largest argument provided. If not arguments are given the result is -∞, for NaN it is NaN. +0 is greater than -0.
  • min ( [ value1 [ , value2 [ , … ] ] ] ): returns the smallest argument provided. All other conditions are same as max(x).
  • pow(x,y): it returns the value of x raised to the power y.
  • random(): returns a positive number in-between 0 and 1.
  • round(x): returns the integer closed to x. A in case of equidistant condition, closeness to +∞ is calculated. The result of this operation on NaN, -0, +0, +∞, -∞ is NaN`, -0, +0, +∞, -∞ respectively.
    For 0<x<0.5 result is +0. For -0.5<x<0 result is -0.
  • sin(x): returns the approximate value of sine of x. The argument is expressed in radians.
  • tan(x): returns the approximate value of tangent of x. The argument is expressed in radians.
  • sqrt(x): return the square root of x. When value of x<0 or x=NaN the value is NaN. For +0, -0 and +∞ the value is +0, -0 and +∞ respectively.

So these were 3 more built-in objects that are used a lot. In the next post we will know about the remaining few.

